Monday, July 26, 2010

Tis the season...

... for weddings. And oh yes, new babies. Seriously, I must have 58 friends (or maybe just eight) who have had, or who are due to have babies this summer. While I am no longer eligible for that category, the whole thought still excites me. But maybe that's why it excites me, because I'm no longer in that category.


Bringing home a new baby is just about as exciting as it gets, but it's also a bit nerve-wrecking. Let's face it... your house temporarily goes into some serious upheaval. Or not so temporarily. It changes things. In wonderful new ways, and in challenging ways too.

So for my 58 friends (or just the eight of you) having babies, I came across this great article here. Your older children will not be warped forever, I promise. And if you're not one of these moms but you've been there, pick up the phone and encourage an expecting mom today.

And what category do I fall into now? Hmm...

I think they call this the maintenance phase. Yes, that sounds right. It's a long one, but a good one.

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